Kerry Bentivolio likes to raise the debt ceiling! SPECIAL FAQ REPORT

FACT: Kerry Bentivolio has voted to raise the debt ceiling…TWICE!!
Who is Kerry Bentivolio?Congressman Kerry Bentivolio is a Santa Claus, an actora FORMER TEACHER (who preferred Blondes), with a record of bankruptcy, and one shares the same grade as Gary Peters.
A Santa? Yes, according to the big man himself “I think I’m Santa when I’m Santa.” 

A former Teacher? Yes. A Teacher who sexually harrassed students. And one who demonstrated why he was running for Congress by pretending to Give Away Student’s Money. [Bentivolio Campaign Facebook Page, 2/08/12] 

A record of bankruptcy?  Bentivolio filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in 1992. 

OK Got it. This is Kerry Bentivolio
Now what is the debt ceiling? It’s a cap set by Congress on the amount of debt the federal government can legally borrow. The cap applies to public debt (meaning owed to the public, like U.S. bonds) plus debt owed to federal government trust funds such as those for Social Security and Medicare.


How is the ceiling agreed upon? Lawmakers, like Kerry Bentivolio tacitly agree to raise the debt ceiling every time they vote for a spending hike or tax cut.


Why is this important right now? Well… Candidate Kerry Bentivolio has Said our nation’s Debt Problem Was the Reason He Joined the Race. You know when in 2012, Bentivolio said he joined the congressional race because he was angry about the debt problem facing the federal government. [Detroit News, 5/29/12] Fast forward to August 2, 2013, Treasury Secretary Lew writes House Speaker John Boehner that the U.S. Treasury extended the time it will suspend investments in a federal worker retiree fund until Oct. 11, a maneuver intended to allow the government to remain below the debt ceiling. 

What does this mean?  Kerry will have a third opportunity to reject an increase to the debt ceiling. 

But will he? Only time will tell. But we believe he caves like he has done under the past two votes to increase the debt ceiling.On January 23, 2013, Kerry supported H.R. 325: This bill has two parts: First, the bill suspends the debt ceiling through May 18, 2013, which means the government will be operating as though there is no debt ceiling. Kerry’s support of this measure means that by May 19th the debt ceiling increased by approximately $400 billion without any cuts or reforms to reduce future spending. Second, the bill includes the unconstitutional “No Budget, No pay” provision, which is misleading because the bill does not require Congress to pass a budget for Members of Congress to be paid, it requires that each chamber pass one.

Need more? On May 9, 2013 Kerry Supported H.R. 807: “The Full Faith and Credit Act,” which effectively raises the debt ceiling and actually incentivizes the government to continue issuing trillions of dollars in new debt by exempting interest payments and many principal rollovers from the debt limit.  Also, the original debt prioritization language was gutted from the bill in committee and replaced with language allowing the federal government to maintain the status quo of irresponsible spending. 

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